Please familiarize yourself with these policies and often refer to this document for updates whenever you have questions. The current GFI product grace period policies are listed below.

As the license term approaches the expiration date, you will receive automatic messages as a reminder of the date of the license expiration: thirty ( 30) days before and on the day of expiration.This "grace period" provides an extended time to complete license/subscription renewals without immediate penalty (e.g., license termination).

If you have not completed the renewal of your software license before the expiration of the existing license, the company provides a “grace period” during which full or partial software functionality will continue for a designated period (which varies by product and by version - see the table below). The grace period is defined as the period that the software will continue to function after the expiration of the license/subscription. This article describes the details of the licensing/subscription grace period for GFI products.